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2025-03-14 01:19:29

•Arcane Enchanted (Level 31) - Monsters with the Arcane Enchanted trait can conjure a lethal purple beam. These beams revolve in a painful circle, dealing arcane damage.

•奥术强化(31级)- 具有奥术强化特质的怪物能够召唤致命的紫色光束。这些光束以圆形旋转,造成奥术伤害。

•Avenger (Level 51) - Only Champion monsters can possess the Avenger trait. When a group of Champions with Avenger appears, the death of any member empowers the surviving Champions, fueling their frenzied vengeance against the Hero.

•复仇者(51级)- 只有冠军级怪物能拥有复仇者效果。当复仇者冠军团出现时,任何一个成员的死亡都会增强剩下的成员,使他们狂怒地向英雄复仇。

•Desecrator (Level 22) - The Desecrator generates a luminous void zone beneath the targeted Hero, inflicting damage on any Hero nearby.

•亵渎者(22级)- 亵渎者在目标英雄的脚下创造出一个发光的虚空区域,对接近的英雄造成伤害。

•Electrified (Level 26) - Increases the monster's Lightning resistance and adds lightning damage during attacks. It also grants the monster a special Lightning-based ability.

•闪电强化(26级)- 增加怪物的电系抗性,并在攻击时附加电系伤害,同时赋予怪物一种特殊的闪电能力。

•Extra Health (Level 31) - This trait grants the affected monster additional HP.

•血多多(31级)- 这个效果为怪物提供额外的生命值。

•Fast (Level 31) - This trait enhances the speed of monsters, allowing them to move, strike, and cast spells more swiftly. Monsters with the fast attribute do not gain extra resistances, nor do their attacks deal additional damage.


•Fire Chains (Level 31) - A chain of fire connects the backs of champion monsters. If the Hero touches or even approaches one of these fiery links, they will take damage.


•Frozen (Level 22) - Monsters with the frozen attribute deal Cold damage with their attacks and possess significant Cold resistance. They also have a set of special attacks based on Cold. They can slow the Hero and freeze them with frozen orbs or upon death.


•Health Link (Level 51) - This trait is exclusive to champion monsters and activates only when multiple champions are present. Health Link decreases the damage taken by linking the champion's health to that of other Health Link champions in the vicinity.


•Horde (Level 31) - This unique trait applies solely to Rare monsters. Horde increases the number of minions accompanying a rare monster, creating a crowded battlefield. This is a hidden trait and is not listed on the monster's attributes.


•Illusionist (Level 26) - The illusionist characteristic allows a creature to produce perilous replicas of itself. This trait does not provide any additional resistances, nor does it alter the damage output of an Illusionist. Illusionist can be found in minions, as well as Rare and Champion monsters. Each replica has identical health to its original. Replicas cannot produce further replicas. Every creature has a chance to use polymorph to generate two replicas of itself when it takes damage.

•幻术师(26级)- 拥有幻术师头衔的怪物可以创造出一个具有真实伤害的自身分身。该属性不会赋予新的抗性,也不会改变怪物造成的伤害。幻术师属性可能出现在仆从、稀有怪物和冠军级怪物身上。每个分身的生命值与怪物本体相同。每当怪物受到伤害时,有概率生成两个分身。

•Invulnerable Minions (Level 51) - This trait can only be found in rare monsters of around level 51. These rare creatures appear with a team of invincible puppet minions and have increased health. Their health is boosted by 50%. The minions cannot be killed until the main rare monster is defeated.

•无法伤害的仆从(51级)- 仅有51级以上的稀有怪物会具备此属性。拥有该属性的稀有怪物会带领一队不可摧毁的仆从,并且它们的生命值会增加。他们的生命值增加50%,直到主怪被杀死之前,仆从无法被消灭。

•Jailer (Level 51) - The jailer characteristic grants monsters the power to trap the Hero in a conjured prison, immobilizing them. Although the effect is brief, it lasts long enough to make you vulnerable to attacks. Every attack by the Jailer has a 25% chance to inflict this on you. The dashing strike allows movement but does not release you. However, spirit walk will free you.

•监禁者(51级)- 拥有监禁者属性的怪物可以召唤一个牢笼,将英雄困住,无法移动。虽然效果短暂,但足够让你成为一个容易攻击的目标。每个监禁者有25%的几率将此效果施加在玩家身上。武僧的疾风击可以让你移动,但无法解除牢笼。灵魂行走则可以让你完全解脱。

•Knockback (Level 0) - Every melee attack has the potential to push the hero back.

•击退(0级)- 每次近战攻击都有可能将英雄击退。

•Missile Dampening (Level 8) - This trait is exclusive to rare monsters. Creatures with this trait produce a reddish sphere around themselves. Any projectile entering this sphere significantly slows down, moving at half speed while inside. The projectile accelerates once it exits the sphere.

•立场(8级)- 只有稀有怪才会具备此属性。怪物会在周围生成一个红色的区域。任何进入这个区域的投射物都会大幅减速,在其中速度会减慢50%。一旦投射物离开该区域,就会加速。

•Molten (Level 8) - Creatures with the Molten attribute gain resistance to Fire and include Fire damage in their regular attacks. They also possess a couple of Fire-themed special abilities. As they move, they leave behind a trail of damaging lava pools. Upon death, they detonate in a fiery explosion.


•Mortar (Level 22) - Every 4-5 seconds, the Mortar monster unleashes a rapid series of firebombs at the hero. Even after the monster dies, it continues to hurl bombs. Minions can also appear with this trait.


•Nightmarish (Level 0) - Monsters of any level and their minions can appear with this trait. It adds a Fear element to a monster's attacks. Any hit from a Nightmarish opponent might cause your character to flee in terror.


•Plagued (Level 14) - Monsters level 14 and above can appear with the Plagued attribute. All damage inflicted by a Plagued monster is Poison-based. The trait also provides the monster (and its minions) with Poison resistance and allows for three special Poison-oriented attacks.


•Shielding (Level 22) - Provides the monster with a temporary period of immunity to all damage types.


•Teleporter (Level 0) - The teleporter ability enables monsters to swiftly move around the battlefield. They can disappear when attacked and reappear beside you shortly for a counterstrike. This ability does not alter damage or defenses.


•Thorns - All Champion and Rare monsters above level 26 can possess the Thorns ability, which is unavailable to minions. When you hit a foe with the Thorns trait using a melee attack, you will automatically take damage in return.


•Vampiric - The vampiric trait enables monsters to convert the damage they deal to you into their own health, effectively feeding off your harm.


•Vortex - This ability lets monsters pull their enemies closer, posing a significant threat if your character relies on distance fighting. The ability itself does not cause damage, however.


•Waller - Waller allows champion monsters with this trait to create impassable barriers on the battlefield temporarily.



